Assigning data

Allmost all types of PHP variables can be assigned to a JS\Context object, and used inside the JavaScript code. Scalar variables are trivial, as we had seen in the hello world example:

// create a new context
$context = new JS\Context;

// assign data to the javascript engine
$context->assign('language', 'dutch');
$context->assign('name', 'Emiel');

// execute a statement concatenating into a very well-known greeting
$result = $context->evaluate("var x = language == 'dutch' ? ('Hallo ' + name) : ('Hello ' + name);");

// result now contains the string "Hallo Emiel" (because the language was set to dutch)

Assigning arrays

Arrays can be assigned to the script as well, and are turned into Javascript arrays. As you may know, in Javascript everything is an object: even arrays. The PHP-JS extension takes care of this conversion, and converts the PHP array into an traversable Javascript array-object with a 'length' property:

// create a new context
$context = new JS\Context;

// assign data to the javascript engine
$context->assign('numbers', array(1,6,3,77,23,0,12));

// store javascript code in the $script variable using heredoc syntax
$script = <<< 'EOD'

    // javascript function to sum values in an array, using the
    // "for (var x in array)" syntax
    function sum_array1(items) {

        // result value
        var total = 0;

        // iterate over the items
        for (var x in items) total += items[x];

        // done
        return total;

    // alternative javascript to sum an array, using the Array.length
    // property
    function sum_array2(items) {

        // result value
        var total = 0;

        // iterate over the items
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) total += items[i];

        // done
        return total;

    // sum the numbers twice, using both arrays
    sum_array1(numbers) + sum_array2(numbers);


// execute a statement concatenating into a very well-known greeting
$result = $context->evaluate($script);

// result now contains the integer 244

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